
Dana is not paying for goods or services received; it is an act of giving that comes from the heart.

In the Buddhist tradition, teachings are freely given as they are considered invaluable. Additionally, in this tradition, we practice generosity through Dana by making financial contributions towards these teachings. Dana is not a payment for goods or services rendered, but rather a heartfelt offering. Your generosity is a gift that not only supports the teachers but also the Sangha (the Buddhist community), the broader Dharma community, and your own spiritual practice.

Dana [daana]: The act of giving, being generous, or offering alms. Specifically, it refers to giving any of the four requisites to the monastic order or any spiritually developed person. In a broader sense, it signifies the inclination to give without expecting anything in return from the recipient.

International Mahayana Institute

Your support helps the International Mahayana Institute worldwide sangha community.

The International Mahayana Institute (IMI) is a community of Buddhist monks and nuns of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT). Lama Zopa Rinpoche was the latest Spiritual Director and Abbott of the IMI. Lama Thubten Yeshe, the founder of FPMT, established the IMI in 1973 in order to develop a community of nuns and monks where we would not only be cared for, but where we would also take care of each other.

FPMT – Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund

The Supporting Ordained Sangha Fund provides support to ordained Sangha (monks and nuns) as well as monasteries and nunneries. Funds are used to provide support for food, accommodation, education, health care, retreat needs for Sangha, and the Lama Tsongkhapa Teachers Fund.

If you have any questions regarding Dana, Donations, ways of contributing and giving, feel free to ask here: